

All widgets in this website are written in SolidJS. Sign-in
Github Repos
Check out my Github repos!
A sample RawJS app with PUB/SUB messaging to generate/destroy DOM elements.
A sample code for Cloudflare Worker written in Rust using D1.
Cloudflare Worker D1 Rust
A very simple CLI program written in Rust for resizing an image with specified width.
Rust image resize CLI
Another attempt in using Perlin noise. Last time, only the noise calculation was done in WASM, and a canvas animation was done in JS. This time, everything is done in WASM. To better serve as an introductory WASM sample app, I made the codes as simple as possible.
Rust wasm-pack wasm-bindgen js-sys web-sys Perlin Noise
Use JSDoc comments, and run a type-check using TypeScript.
JSDoc TypeScript type-safety
A simplified version of what I have for my website for i18n localization.
i18n NodeJS Javascript
A sample WASM app using wasm-pack-plugin prepared as a learning material.
Rust wasm-pack wasm-bindgen js-sys web-sys wasm-pack-plugin
Comparing widgets implemented with React vs SolidJS.
This is more about using Emotion CSS and Tailwind CSS for React and SolidJS apps.
Web Components SolidJS React Emotion & Tailwind
Let me have a boiler plate for Babel + TypeScript.
Babel TypeScript React Emotion & Tailwind
A demo app using wasm-pack-plugin, drawing flight information on Google Map.
Rust wasm-pack wasm-bindgen js-sys web-sys wasm-pack-plugin
A library for calculating sun's position.
"sowng" stands for "sun" in Belter language (from sci-fi movie "The Expanse").
"wala" for "one who is professional at".
A Rust library for 風水 (风水) (Feng-Shui) providing basic Chinese astrological concepts such as 八卦 (Ba-Gua), 干支 (Gan-Zhi), 九星 (Jiu-Xing), 二十四节气 (Er-Shi-Si Jie-Qi), 二十四山向 (Er-Shi-Si Shan-Xiang), 生死衰旺 (Sheng-Si Shuai-Wang), etc. When bundled into a WASM (WebAssembly) app, you could associate the library with your Javascript apps as well.
This WASM app creates canvas elements for 2 divs, and runs animations. The WASM app is one, but handles 2 canvas elements. You may pass configs at initial startup. Clicking the upper canvas, you may toggle among 3 visualization modes. If you are only interested in Perlin Noise, see my JS project perlin-noise-world-map (which is quite old) which auto-generates geographic landscapes (source or demo). Or, see rust-perlin-wasm-test-2 (which is even much older) for particles moving in organic manner (source or demo).
Rust wasm-pack wasm-bindgen js-sys web-sys Perlin Noise
Bundling a React app into UMD library, embedded into another app. You can pass arguments at initial startup, or you can dynamically send/receive messages using SharedWorker.
React UMD library SharedWorker
Just like the above react-widget-airport, but much simpler!
React UMD library SharedWorker